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“Encyclopedism: Fire, Faith, and Future Learning,” in A Companion to World  Literature, edited by Ken Seigneurie, Christopher Lupke, Frieda Ekotto, and B. Venkat Mani, Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell (December 2019): 1-6.

“Gaming the Golden Age of Piracy.” Digital Defoe: Studies in Defoe & His Contemporaries 7.1 (Fall 2015): 34-65.

“Is This the End?” with Rachael Scarborough King (UCSB). Special Issue: Critical Conversations. The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 62.3-4 (Fall-Winter 2023): 483-88.

Stories of Everything: Epics, Encyclopedias, and Concepts of ‘Complete’ Knowledge 1667 – 1729.” The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 55.4 (Winter 2014): 411-30.

Knowledge and the Systematic Reader: The Past and Present of Encyclopedic Learning.Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, 6.26 (2014): 505-26.

Pope, Swift, and the Poetics of Posterity.” Eighteenth-Century Life 35.3 (Fall 2011): 1-28.

Stage Presence: Performance and Theatricality in Dickens’s Our Mutual Friend.” Dickens Studies Annual 37 (2006):   65-80.


Review of Translation and Transfer of Knowledge in Encyclopedic Compilations, 1680-1830, eds. Clarinda Donato and Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink. The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats. 56.1-2 (July 2023): 131-33.

“Nothing, Something, Everything: Invisible Hands by Dror Wahrmann and Jonathan Sheehan,” Review Essay in The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 59.3 (Fall 2018): 375-80.

Review of Empiricist Devotions: Science, Religion, and Poetry in Early Eighteenth-Century England, by Courtney Weiss Smith. Eighteenth-Century Fiction, 30.1 (Fall 2017): 147-49.


Why knowing when to finish is as important as getting started,” Interview for Future Tense with Antony Funnell, Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Radio. 18 November 2023.

By understanding the ends of research can universities regain  relevance?London School of Economics (LSE) Impact Blog. 14 November 2023.


Should Academic Disciplines Have Both a Purpose and A Finish Date?” with Rachael Scarborough King. Aeon. 29 September 2023.


Scholars Consider the End Points of Their Disciplines (Opinion),” with Rachael Scarborough King.  Inside Higher Ed. 17 October 2023. 


"The Sentimental Media Event,"The Rambling. 23 October 2020.

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